T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
AYDIN / EFELER - Aydın Lisesi






                Aydın Lisesi ilk kez 1927-1928 eğitim/öğretim yılı başında vilayet özel bütçesiyle "İkbal Okulu" adı altında ortaokul olarak açılmıştır. Açıldığı ilk yılda 25 kız 35 erkek olmak üzere toplam 60 öğrenci ile eğitim kurumları arasındaki yerini almıştır.

            Ortaokul binasının yapımı 1928 yılının Eylül ayında tamamlanmıştır. Bugün "Eski Bina" ya da "Ana Bina" olarak adlandırılan 2017 Kasım ayından itibaren eğitim tarihi müzesi olarak hizmet veren bu binanın üzerinde Osmanlı Türkçesi ile " Aydın Cumhuriyet Mektebi" yazmaktadır.

            Okulun kuruluşundan itibaren öğretim kadrosu ve hizmet binaları, ihtiyaçları karşılayacak şekilde genişlemiş ve gelişmiştir. Ortaokul 1929-1930 öğretim yılı başında yatılı ortaokul olarak Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı bütçesine alınmıştır. Aynı yıl içinde günümüzde arşiv, resim sınıfı, müzik sınıfı ve mescidin bulunduğu bina hizmete açılmıştır.1933-1934 yılında yaptırılan pansiyon binası 1934-1935 eğitim-öğretim yılında kullanıma sunulmuştur.

            1948 yılında Aydın Ortaokulu lise olmuş ve "Aydın Lisesi" adını almıştır. Böylece okulun bünyesinde ortaokul ve lise uzun yıllar birlikte yaşamıştır. Lise olarak ilk mezununu 1951 yılında veren okulun mevcut binalarına 1954 yılında iki katlı yeni bina, şu anki ismiyle "B Blok" eklenmiştir. Daha sonra yaptırılan yeni öğrenci yurdu öğretmenevi yapılmak üzere kapatılmıştır. Bu bina öğretmenevinin 2017 yılı içinde taşınması ile şu an boş durumdadır.

            Öğrenci sayısındaki artışa bağlı olarak, 1992 yılında şimdiki beş katlı "A Blok" inşa ettirilmiş ve 2002 yılında kapalı spor salonu hizmete açılmıştır.


            27 dönümlük okul bahçesi çok geniş bir alana yayılan Aydın Lisesi 2008-2009 eğitim-öğretim yılından itibaren Anadolu Lisesi statüsünde eğitim vermeye başlamıştır.




            Aydın High School was opened for the first time as a secondary school under the name of "İkbal School"  with the special budget of the province at the end of 1927-1928 academic year. In the first year of opening, it took its place among education institutions with a total of 60 students, 25 girls and 35 boys.                The construction of the secondary school building was completed in September 1928. On this building, which is known as the "Old Building" or "Main Building" , and since November 2017, serves as a museum of educational history, it is written in Ottoman Turkish "Aydın Cumhuriyet Mektebi" (Aydın Republic School).                Since the establishment of the school, teaching staff and service buildings have been expanded and developed to meet the needs. The secondary school was included in the budget of the Ministry of National Education as a boarding secondary school at the beginning of the 1929-1930 academic year. In the same year, the building, which now houses an archive, painting class, music class and masjid, was put into service. The hostel building, built in 1933-1934, was put into use in the academic year of 1934-1935.                In 1948, Aydın Secondary School became a high school and was renamed Aydın High School . Thus, the secondary school and high school have lived together for many years. In 1954, a new two-storey building was added to the existing buildings of the school, which gave its first graduation in 1951, Block B under its current name. Later, the new dormitory was closed to be built as a teacher's house (hotel for teachers). This building is now empty, for the teacher house was moved to its new location in 2017.                Due to the increase in the number of students, the current five-storey "A Block" was built in 1992 and in 2002, the indoor sports hall was opened. It started to give education as Anatolian High School in 2008-2009 academic year.                Aydın High School, which has a wide area of 27 acres of schoolyard, has started to give education as a Project School since 2018-2019 academic year.

We are a modern Anatolian High School located in the west of Turkey in a very attractive touristic area. Our school is the oldest school in Aydın. It has 75 teachers and  759 students, 31 classrooms, 3 science laboratories, 1 library, 1 music room, 1 art class, 1 presentation and meeting room, 1 ICT room, 1 canteen, 1 gym. Our students are between 14-19 years old and are educated in the profession of maths, science , Turkish grammar and literature,  geography and history mainly. Foreign languages are English and German . We also give importance  to the social and sportive events in our school .We have a very big garden with lots of green trees and so our students can play, rest and have fun there whenever  they want . At the end of the school year, teachers and students peform in different sketches and plays, recite poems, play musical instruments and  sing songs.

Our school has sought, since its foundation, to provide the most effective service possible in the municipality of Aydın, adapting to the new educational realities of society and in contact with families. Our educational line is marked by the desire to be a center that meets the requirements of public education with a continuous effort for improvement, trying to achieve equity and excellence at the same time, offering each student the attention they need. In this sense, our priorities are grouped into two major areas: the improvement of teaching and learning processes and the improvement of coexistence.

Vision- The aim of Aydın High School is to educate students who have high levels of intelligence and talents, who are open to scientific and technological principles and innovations, suitable to environment and country needs, working methodically, effective and qualified, prepared and developed for higher education institutions that constantly develop and renew, speak at least one foreign language very well, are financially and morally equipped, use new technologies, produce new skills and prepare new projects, compete with the world, train scientists and academicians, contemporary, democratic and secular individuals.

Mission -To enable our students to learn by taking into account their individual talents, to be knowledgeable, skillful, self-confident, to understand the necessity of using scientific method in solving problems, to grow as researchers as the requirement of information society, to acquire behaviors that will establish good and positive communication with their environment, to be able to look at the events in a multi-directional and objective way, to acquire skills to respond to the evolving needs of the age, to be individuals prone to cooperation and teamwork besides leadership characteristics.




                                                                                           AYDIN LİSESİ MARŞI

-Kalbimizde kor ateş

Damarlarımızda kan

Bizim ölmez lisemiz

Canımıza can katan

-Ey benim şanlı lisem

Bayrağın dalgalansın

Aydın'ın kalbinde sen

Yıkılmaz bir anıtsın

-Senin bağrında doğduk

Bağrında öleceğiz

Dünya durdukça seni

Övüp yükselteceğiz


                                                                                                           Güfte: Vildan UTKU

                                                                                                           Beste: Ali DELİBALTA


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Yayın: 01.05.2021 - Güncelleme: 01.05.2021 19:29 - Görüntülenme: 3296
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